Detox Yoga Retreat & COVID-19
20 - 25 September
Crimea, Mys Tarkhankut
A yoga retreat course that includes shatkarmas, krias, asanas and a diet for complete Detox = SUDDHI (cleansing + purification + Holification) at multi levels of your existence (physical, energetic and emotional).
It is especially upgraded for COVID-19 environment by Indian yoga master
- Sunil Dahiya
Want to extend your summer?
The retreat will help cleanse your body and mind and recharge your batteries for the whole year.

for whom ?

This Detox Yoga Retreat is designed by Sunil Dahiya for people living at the high pace of a modern city. The retreat is suitable for:

1) Those interested in yoga, beginners and advanced who wish to gain strength for the whole year in just a week.

2) Businessmen and other people who do not have enough time to regularly take care of their health.

3) People exposed to constant stress and psychosomatic illnesses with symptoms such as: back and neck pain, obesity, pain or dry eyes, sleep disturbances, insomnia, loss of appetite or indigestion, belly fat, intestinal enlargement, liver fibrosis, headaches, dizziness or fainting, allergies, asthma, runny nose and other breathing problems, coughing up phlegm, skin problems, joint pain or arthritis, lack of flexibility, low self-esteem, or poor mood.

4) Housewives who have time, but no opportunity to travel abroad - for them this is an opportunity to spend time with their family or in solitude in the beautiful nature, on a warm and clean coast.

for whom ?

This Detox Yoga Course is designed by Sunil Dahiya for those people:

1) Who is interested in working in the field of health care.

2) Who wants to help family or friends cope with illness or emotional trauma.

3) Experts in yoga, fitness and medicine who wish to improve their skills and knowledge in the field of shatkarma and the yogic version of detoxification.

4) Students interested in starting a career. For those who want to try and understand whether they want to devote a month to the Yoga Teacher Course
This short 5 day course will give you a clear understanding.
Course / Retreat program

Morning shatkarmas:
►Neti (5 types)
►Dhauti (6 types)
►Nauli (4 * 2 species)
►Trataka (2 categories, many types)
►Kapalabhati (Shatkarma)

*we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the description of some of the practices on this page на этой странице

Daily afternoon and evening classes: asanas, pranayamas, mudras. On land and on SUP boards :)

Our favorite long talks about yoga with detailed answers to each participant's questions.

Author: "For everyone to get results, I picked up a very good choice of yoga - asanas (postures), pranayamas (miraculous breathing techniques), kriyas and mudras (synchronized exercises with postures + breathing + emotional expressions), sukshma-vyayam and shat -Kriy for detoxification of body, mind, emotions, feelings and intentions The choice and sequence of secret practices will be restored during the course as a patented technology.
(Details are not provided by phone or email, etc.).
Difficult practices are simplified so everyone can start to practice and benefit
I will also give 2 lectures where I will talk about the scientific basis of each practice. "

What's waiting for you ?

In just six days, you will feel a powerful transformation. You will feel lightness in the body, the condition of the skin will improve - it will become youthful and soft. You will love yourself, your skin, the feeling of your body. You will feel energized all day long (excluding bedtime). Falling asleep, you will feel pleasantly tired and fall asleep quickly and deeply. Your sleep will be refreshing. You will wake up refreshed and refreshed even after a short nap. Your mood will improve and confidence will appear. You will understand your body and mind much better than ever before. The flexibility will increase and the pain will decrease. Laziness will disappear. Many diseases (if any) will either disappear or stop bothering you. You will begin to feel and see opportunities in everything, in any situation.
Whatever healing, spiritual, prayer and meditation practices you are doing at the present time, you will feel that you have become 10 times better prepared for them, having purified and refined your body and mind.
How will health change?

Please note it is 'upgraded version of Original ABS Yoga Detox program'.

NEW UPDATES: New changes are done for assisting body's natural ability to prevent, treat and heal from infections with special reference to COVID-10 (corona virus).

COVID-19 (Corona virus) AND BODY'S HEALING ABILITY: It is not a secret the human and all living beings are gifted ability to prevent diseases, treat and ability to recover from after-effects. It is without any exception including COVID-19 infection. Indeed modern medicines also relay on it. And when person body or mind loses it or loses desire to fight with sickness & to live, none medicine can heal the person. For example: More than 17 brands of vaccines are being used to prevent from COVID-19 version of corona virus (Sputnik-V, Sputnik Light, CoviVac, CoviShield, CoVaxin, Pfizer, Moderna, Abdala, Oxford-AstraZeneca, EpiVac, CoronaVac, Sinopharm, Soberana etc). All of them are using four different techniques (1- RNA or DNA based, 2-Adenovirus Vector based, 3-Inactivated Virus and Subunit) to achieve the same result. And that is "triggering the body's natural ability to produce ANTI-BODIES as a reaction to vaccine". And if body isin harmony, if it's natural healing abilities are NOT altered by various means of modern life (food, Lifestyle, Ignorance, pollution, stress, electromagnetic waves and unconcious negative menifestations or negative meditations)

A purified and improved blood composition will lead to the disappearance of skin problems. Cleansing the intestines will give the body a better ability to absorb nutrients and reduce the likelihood of ulcers. Digestion will improve. The endocrine system will function more adequately. The production of lubricant in the joints will reduce pain and improve flexibility. The liver will begin to function more adequately. Thus, the body will begin to recover quickly from many problems. Vision will stop deteriorating and even improve.
What's included in the price?

►Одно практическое занятие по шаткармам в день
►Оборудование для шаткарм
►Два занятия по Йога-асанам + Пранаяме + Мудрам
►Одна лекция в день с ответами на вопросы
►Трёхразовое питание + Чаепитие (Саттвичная вегетарианская пища)
►SUP-доска с экипировкой для каждого взрослого участника
►Трансфер от аэропорта Симферополя (в случае прибытия конкретным рейсом, самостоятельно или через организованное приобретение авиабилетов, см.ниже)

на пляжах с белоснежным песком

на память по итогам тура.
Курс ведет учитель из Индии
Сунил Дахийа:

►Йога-терапевт, признанный Всемирной организацией здравоохранения


►тренер мастеров йоги



►обладатель престижных наград, включая "Бхарат Йога Самрат" (Индийский Король Йоги), врученную Индийской йога-федерацией; "Чемпион встречи" ("чемпион чемпионов") от правительства Пондичерри; и "Цвет университета в йоге" от Университета Дели.
Где? - Йога-вилла "Бухта Гуру", Оленевка, Крым.
Номера в глэмпинге:
Номера на вилле:
Спальные места
Список вещей для поездки

- Паспорт, билеты, деньги
- Удобная одежда для практик и экскурсий + пенка для сидения + небольшой рюкзак
- Тёплая одежда, дождевик или куртка (на все случаи жизни)
- Купальные принадлежности, головной убор, солнцезащитный крем, личная
- Свой коврик для йоги (ретритный центр предоставляет коврики в аренду)

Директор по развитию
"Индийская Академия йоги"
Организатор ретрита
Как это было (Фиолент)
Отзыв участницы
  • 1
    Проживание в глэмпинге (2хместное размещение, отдельный санузел, терраса, 3-х разовое питание)
    38000 рублей (76000 за двоих)
  • 2
    Проживание на вилле (2х или 3хместное размещение, отдельный санузел, терраса, 3-х разовое питание)
    42000 рублей (84000 за двоих)
  • 3
    Курс с сертификацией
    Возможно обсуждение отдельных условий получения в рамках данного ретрита полного курса лекций, материалов по теме детокса и сертификата. Это будет интересно продвинутым практикующим и преподавателям йоги, желающим расширить свои познания, научиться практиковать и преподавать шаткармы, одну из важнейших дисциплин в йоге.
  • 4
    Внимание! Ознакомиться с условиями отмены бронирования можно, кликнув по названию "Стоимость"
  • 5
    Есть возможность организовать одноместное размещение, а также размещение больших компаний. Мы приветствуем семьи с детьми. Дети до 3 лет проживают без оплаты. Дети могут принимать участие во всех занятиях и активном отдыхе.
Как заключить договор?
Напишите на электронную почту, и в ответном письме придёт договор-оферта. Там же будут и реквизиты для оплаты.
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