Maldives Yoga Retreat
Detox + COVID-19
2-10 January
"COVID-19 has changed organism of entire human race (even those who did not fall sick). And we have modifies ABS Detox Retreat with determination to reverse the changes"
- Sunil Dahiya
Gift your+self by relaxing like immortal Himalayan yogis & practicing their techniques for disinfecting, anti aging, healing & energising like never before.
Housewives, Business woman or man, Professional sportsperson, People who recovered from COVID, Research scholars, Medical professionals, Government employees, University students, Tour Operators, Travel guides, Tour agents, Professionals from oil & gass industries are invited.
Sunil Dahiya upgraded his ABS Detox Retreat and after experiments, even modified original yoga techniques in order to make them suitable for ordinary people from European cities and to enhance special recovery + healing from post COVID-19 biological changes (biochemical & energetic) in human organism. Like our previous yoga retreats, it is still suitable for those who did not got influenced by corona virus (it is estimated about 3% worlds population is not influenced).
'Detox Retreat 2022'

For whom ?

For 'People To Relax & Heal' who are busy and successful in their life and want to have a relaxing yoga break from busyness of family or business. Who give value to themselves & their relaxation. Who want to enjoy yoga for deep relaxation and recharging themselves in natural environment.

Detox Yoga Retreat involves only practical sessions. Lecturers, discourses, presentation & certificate are NOT included in "Retreat". Afternoon and evening you get time to enjoy white sand, clear sky, transparent sea, joyful beach, explore Maldives & it's culture, make new friends.

  1. Housewives who have time, but no opportunity to travel abroad - for them this is an opportunity to spend time with their family or in solitude in the beautiful nature, on a warm and clean coast.
  2. Those interested in yoga, beginners and advanced, who wish to gain strength for the whole year in just a week.
  3. Businessmen and other people who do not have enough time to regularly take care of their health.
  4. People exposed to constant stress or psychosomatic illnesses.
  5. People exposed to COVID and got recovered.
  6. Anyone with symptoms such as: back / neck pain, obesity, pain or dry eyes, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite or indigestion, belly fat, intestinal enlargement, liver fibrosis, headaches, dizziness or fainting, allergies, asthma, runny nose, breathing problems, coughing up phlegm, skin problems, joint pain or arthritis, lack of flexibility, low self-esteem, or poor mood, bipolar syndrome.

'Detox Course 2022'

For Whom ?

For 'Intellectual People' who want to update their knowledge from latest research work & new discoveries from ancient yoga literature to reach and sustain at top intellectual level. It includes medical journalists, health care professionals, yoga therapists & teachers, doctors from allopathy & non-allopathy (Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Chinese herbal medical system) Healers (Shamans, Kabbalah, Sound, Pranic Healing).

For 'Determined People' to learn pure form of yoga at deepest possible level, probably to become professional yoga teacher or to enjoy life long benefits of yoga with life changing experience.

In addition to morning practical trainings, Detox Yoga Course involves intellectual sessions, lectures, discourses, presentation in noon, which requires attention & dedication. Evening you will have some free time to enjoy Maldives white sand, joyful beach, explore & make new friends. But if your primary purpose is tour only, you better opt for Retreat instead of course. Certificate will only be awarded to those who attended ALL the sessions. It is great for:

  1. Interested in working in the health sector.
  2. Who wants to help family or friends cope with illness or emotional trauma.
  3. Experts in yoga, fitness and medicine who wish to improve their skills and knowledge in the field of shatkarma and the yogic version of detoxification.
  4. Students interested in starting a career.
  5. Who want to understand how body mind and energy got changed with COVID.

For those who want clear understanding whether they want to devote a month for Upgratation Course (Yoga Teacher Course) or Yoga TTC ( Yoga Teacher Training Course ) by attending a short but serious course of 10 day.
Program :

Yoga Course & Retreat

Morning Shatkarmas with special reference to recommended & restricted for corona or covid-19. Philosophical & scientific bases. Practical trainings & practices (of non restricted ones) :
►Neti (5 species)
►Dhauti (6 types)
►Nauli (4 * 2 types)
►Trataka (2 categories, many species)
►Kapalabhati (Shatkarma)

* we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the description of some practices on this page

Daily morning & evening practices: asanas, pranayama, mudras. On land and on beach :)

Our favorite intellectual sessions (lectures, discourses, presentation) about yoga with detailed answers to the questions of each participant.

Author: "For everyone to get results, I picked up a very good choice of yoga - asanas (postures), pranayamas (miraculous breathing techniques), kriyas and mudras (exercises synchronized postures + breathing + emotional expressions), sukshma-vyayam and shat -kriy for detoxification of the body, mind, emotions, feelings and intentions. The choice and sequence of secret practices will be disclosed during the course as a patented technology.
(Details are not provided by phone or email, etc)".

"Complex practices are simplified so that everyone can start practicing and get benefits".

"I will also give 2 lectures where I will talk about the scientific rationale for each practice. "

Daily four hours practical (1 + 2 + 1) for everyone and two hours of scientific philosophy (only for course).
What to expect ?

  • Just in 10 days: you will feel a powerful transformation. You will feel younger, powerful & light Body, confident, creative & joyful mind. And new you will return home.
  • Skin: the condition will improve - it will become youthful & soft. You will love yourself, your skin, the feeling of your body.
  • Energy: You will feel energized all day long (excluding bedtime). Colleague will call you hyper-active. Everyday you will accomplish much more tasks and achieve more targets than previous years.
  • Nourishing Sleep: You will feel pleasantly tired & fall asleep quickly & deeply. Your sleep will be refreshing. You will wake up refreshed even after a short nap.
  • Joy & Mood: Your mood will improve and confidence will appear. Will start feeling joyful most of time.
  • Body realisation: You will get miniature of self-realisation. You will understand your body and mind much better than ever before.
  • Flexibility: The flexibility will increase and the pain will decrease.
  • Reduced Tamas: Laziness will disappear. You will feel much active like 12 to 16 years young child.
  • Healing: Many diseases (if any) will either disappear or stop bothering you.
  • Vision: You will begin to feel and see opportunities in everything, in any situation.
  • Readiness: Irrespective of 'what are you practicing' presently, being it healing / spiritual prayer / meditation or anything else, you will feel that you have become 10 times better prepared for them, having purified and refined your body & mind. Your practice will become 5 to 15 times more effictive.
Course is authored renowned indian yoga therapist
Sunil Dahiya:

►Yoga Therapist recognised by WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION

►National champion of India for a decade, from year 1997 to 2006

►Teacher of 'Yoga Masters'

►Creator of two systems and four styles of yoga

►Creator of first ever 'Yoga Teacher Upgradation Course'

►Guest lecturer at international universities and institutes

►Awardee of prestigious awards like: Indian King of Yoga (Bharat Yoga Samrat) jointly awarded by Indian Yoga Federation and Patanjali Yog Peeth, Champion of Champions (Champion of meet) by Government of pondicherry, India and University Color in Yoga by University of Delhi.

►International Champion in Yoga
Where ? - Maldives, Island Ukulhas, "Ukulhas Beach Inn" ★★
List of things for the trip

- Passport, tickets, money
- Comfortable clothes for practices and excursions + foam for sitting + a small backpack
- Warm clothes, raincoat or jacket (for all occasions)
- Bathing accessories, a hat, sunscreen, personal
first aid kit
- Desirable - your own yoga mat

Development Director
"Indian Yoga Academy"
"ABS Yoga International"
Retreat Organizer
  • 1
    Accommodation in glamping (double occupancy, private bathroom, terrace, breakfasts and dinners)
    108 000 Rubles
  • 2
    Certified course
    It is possible to discuss individual conditions for obtaining a full course of lectures, detox materials and a certificate within the framework of this retreat. It will be interesting for advanced yoga practitioners and teachers who want to expand their knowledge, learn how to practice and teach shatkarma, one of the most important disciplines in yoga.
  • 3
    Attention! You can familiarize yourself with the terms of cancellation by clicking on the name "Cost"
  • 4
    It is possible to organize single occupancy, as well as accommodation for large companies. We welcome families with children. Children under 3 years old live without payment. Children can take part in all activities and outdoor activities.
How to pay?
Write to e-mail or on whatsapp +7-968-325-0001, and an offer agreement will be sent in a reply letter. There will also be payment details.
Contact us:

Phone: +7 968 576 00 01
Social networks: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

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