Promoting Yogis
Yoga can't be promoted without promoting standards of yogis. So we guide yoga businesses & teachers.
Pump your yoga
career with experts
Choose a task - we will show those who solve it: individually, clearly and in detail
Experts will help yoga teachers
Resume / CV
Create a strong resume
Build a career plan
Develop Strategy
Develop a job search strategy
Job Abroad
Find a job abroad
New Profession
Move to a new profession
Create strong resume
Your experience and skills will be packaged so that you get as many interesting offers as possible.
An expert will talk to you
He will ask about experience, skills and desires: where do you want to get a job and what position
Work with resume
If necessary, write a cover letter - all within 4 working days after the conversation
The result will be emailed to you.

You just have to publish it and start applying for vacancies
We promote yoga by promoting yogis
Choose your guide
Choose who you want
discuss your career
Sunil Dahiya
Sunil Dahiya became career consultant / coach for middle and senior yoga teachers after 10+ years experience of hiring yoga teacher in various countries and observing most of 'Yoga Teacher Training Courses' does not really teach about 'CAREER'. And yoga teachers often lacking the basic skills i.e. How to: make yoga resume (it different from other professions), search job and apply for the job'.
Beside India, USA & Russia, Sunil have worked in Germany, Switzerland, South-Korea, Singapore, Iceland, Malaysia & Thailand as yoga director, gym manager, supervisor in yoga, yoga therapist, yoga teacher trainer.
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Naveen Sir
Career consultation / coaching was hobby and passion for Naveen Sir since child. Indeed he was given title 'SIR' at age of 13 years because of his successful coachings.
Since 3 decades people with his guidance have been posted in Indian Parliament, foreign universities, international yoga centers and have started their own yoga business in Europe and Asia.
His specialization is level positions: General Director, Financial Director, Operations Director, Marketing Director, Technical Director of yoga centers and yoga teachers (Ashtanga, Hatha, Sivananda, Iyanger, Hot ...), Yoga Professor, Research Officer. Naveen Sir can be useful for you on the following topics:
• How to look for a job in the current realities of the labor market
• How to develop a career strategy and tactics for achieving a career goal
• What to write in a resume, how to better structure your experience
• Where and in what industries / areas are people like me needed: my knowledge and experience, expertise
• How to smoothly move to another area / area
• How build a job search strategy in other countries
• How to return to hiring from your own business and vice versa.
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