Twice a year, 26 Jan - 24 Feb & 5 July - 5 August
Rishikesh, India

Yoga Teachers Training Course (200 hrs YTTC)
For those, who want to be joyful and live a happy life!

We have trained world's richest people (Forbes' top 50 list).
And also family members of presidents and deputy prime ministers.
They did not learn Abs Yoga from us to become yoga teacher.
They learned to become happy.
They learned it to become more efficient at what they already excel.
After course can I earn as YOGA TEACHER ?
YES! This Yoga TTC course is also for those who wish to choose one of the rarest profession or Business.
Or those who want everyday to devote time to their body, while earning and at the same time helping others to gain health, happiness & harmony.

Also for those, who wish to deepen their practice & knowledge
to help family members and friends.

The course takes place on a land with spiritual vibrations, a good climate,
yogic vegetarian food, herbs and other useful things
to create a perfect yoga atmosphere.

Guest Teachers
The best of the best masters
will conduct special modules as part of the
ABS Yoga teacher training course
  • Sri Bal Mukund Singh (India)
    Advanced Asanas and Sukshma Vyayama
    Guru ji Sri Bal Mukund Singh ji has raised several generations of world and national yoga champions. The guru of the Indian Prime Ministers and strong proponent of the Sukshma Vyayama system - and himself a two-time world champion, he has such a depth of knowledge in yoga that the most famous experts learn from him.

    Sri Bal Mukund Singh ji will conduct a special module for students on yogic Sukshma Vyayama and advanced asanas.
  • Naveen Sir (India)
    Ayurveda. Modern and yogic physiology
    Naveen is a yoga master from India with an encyclopedic knowledge of many facets of Vedic culture. An expert consulted by Doctors of Science in Yoga and Ayurveda. More than 10 years of work with government organizations; methodologist who writes curricula for schools and universities, critic of dissertations and scientific research. Laureate of international awards in yoga.
    "Knowledge of Ayurveda is necessary for yoga teachers, not only because the students will ask you endless health questions. Yoga can be practiced seriously only when you understand the depths and nuances of how the five elements work on the body and mind," he says.
    No wonder, the founder of yoga, Maharishi Patanjali synthesized Charak Sanhita (Ayurveda text) after compiling Yoga Sutra.
We have made one of best accommodation in Rishikesh available (included in course fee) for our students. We do also have Apartments with private kitchens for people who want to come with families (when other family members do not do yoga course). We do have swimming pool and one of most beautiful & hygienic building in entire Rishikesh.
The ABS yoga curriculum criteria
exceed those set by the International Yoga Alliance - USA and the European Yoga Alliance.
"Half knowledge is more dangerous than not knowing"
Sunil Dahiya
The experience includes:
Living amidst the beautiful Himalayas
Plunge into unhurried discipline, simplicity and beauty.
Visiting beautiful sacred temples
Caves of ancient yogis in the Himalayas, trekking and excursions - adventures await us in our free time from practice!
Rejuvenate the body, purify the mind.
Study of text includes scriptures:
1 - Revolutionary : Hatha Yoga Pradipika (author Svātmārāma Yogi, translation and commentary by Dahiya Brothers)
2 - Revolutionary : Gheranda Samhita (author Rishi Gheranda, translation and commentary by Dahiya Brothers)
3 - Revolutionary : Yoga Sutra (author Maharishi Patanjali, translation and commentary by Swami Vivekananda)
4 - Autobiography of Yogi
5 - Light on Yoga (author B. K. S. Iyengar)
6 - Yoga Mala (author Sri K Pattabhi Jois)
7 - Srishti : Real Anatomy of Yoga (author Dahiya Brothers)
8 - Revolutionary : Guide for breaking rules (author Dahiya Brothers)
9 - Revolutionary : Teaching Methodology of Yoga Vs Teaching Methodology of Sports & Physiotherapy
(Author Dahiya Brothers)
10 - Revolutionary : Marketing business vs yoga (author Dahiya Brothers)
11 - Yogis of India ( Author ........ , translation & commentary by Dahiya Brothers)
12 - Troubles in Yoga Research (author Dahiya Brothers)
13 - Destruction and protection of Yoga and nations (author Dahiya Brothers)
Includes accommodation, vegetarian meals, study materials, free time excursions and 260 hours of classes.
50% - payment by the date below, the rest 50% - before the start of the course.
Booking at $ 750 (rest when you arrive)
If paid half before 10 November
Booking at $ 1000 (rest when you arrive)
If paid half between 10 November - 25 November
$ 2000
Booking at $ 1250 (rest when you arrive)
If paid half between 25 November - 10 December
Booking at $ 1500 (rest when you arrive)
If paid after 10 December
How to pay ?
There are two options :

(1) Paying to Indian Bank ,
(2) Paying to Russian Bank
. .
Pay in India
Pay through UPI
(Unified Payment Interface) India :

Contact :
Whatsapp +7 - 968-115-0001
Pay in Russia
Pay through phone
+7 9681150001 (sberbank : Sunil Kumar Dahiya)

Contact :
Whatsapp +7 9681150001
Contact us
+7 968 115 0001,
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