Yoga, that exceeds expectations
Sunil Dahiya's Center in Moscow
About ABS Yoga
ABS Yoga is a system developed by WHO recognised yoga therapist + yoga champion which improves physical, emotional & intellectual health. And very quickly develops high levels of flexibility, strength & balance. Involuntary organ's workout makes it rare system.
About Studio
Studio of Sunil Dahiya
Yoga Studio by a man known as royal teacher and champion yogi, Sunil Dahiya'. A traditional bearer who spent 11 years with Sri Bal Mukund Singh, the successor of Swami Dhirendra Brahmachari. His 25 years of teaching experience includes deputy prime minister, army chief and world's richest.
Занятия подходят
новичкам и продвинутым
ABS Yoga расшифровывается как "ПРОДВИНУТЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ ВНЕШНЕЙ (телесной) ЙОГИ". На одном занятии интересно и комфортно и новичкам, и продвинутым практикам. Занятия проходят в активном движении, которое чередуется с расслаблением.
Можно с детьми
Можно взять с собой на занятия с ребенка любого возраста; до 12 лет - бесплатно, с 12 до 18 лет и студентам - 50% от стоимости. У нас нет няни, но есть детский уголок, и мы всегда рады детям на занятиях. Дети сами выбирают, заниматься им или играть. Многие потом просят мам и пап пойти с ними на йогу!
Обучение преподавателей йоги
Начните преподавать йогу по авторской системе, которая готовит чемпионов, пройдя 30-дневный выездной курс с возможностью трудоустройства. По окончании курса Вы вернётесь уверенным преподавателем, научитесь адаптировать занятия под запросы клиентов и получите достаточно знаний, чтобы открыть свою студию.

Special Yoga Offers
NEW: Customised individual Yoga Teacher Training Course
WW3 Anti-Stress Yoga Retreat - BAIKAL
  • One week program to learn & practice how to create Stress Resistance Response.
  • Stress & depression can't exist irrespective of situation - Sunil Dahiya
  • Yes ! Vaccine protects from virus & these yoga techniques from stress.
  • Authors program based on ongoing medical research & Yoga
  • You will first feel the benefits in first class itself.
  • Musculoskeletal benefits of 5 days training will last above 50 days.
  • Physiological benefits of 5 days training will last more than 5 months.
  • Neuro-Psychological benefits of 5 days training will last more than a year.
  • Some Lifelong beneficial changes will be observed related to willpower, perception, positivity, faith, confidence.
  • You may join only practical trainings in yoga retreat OR theory + Practical both sessions in Yoga Course
Suggested Retreat
108,000 Rubles
Yoga Retreat
  • "COVID-19 Detox Yoga Retreat"
  • India
  • 2-10 Jan 202
  • Includes :
    Stay in 5 star Hotel
    Yoga Trainings (by Sunil Dahiya)
    Yoga Procedures (by Sunil Dahiya)
Early Booking (before 10 Nov)
108,000 Russian Rubles
Royal yoga teacher, Sunil has trained family of one of richest of world (as per fobs top 50 list), family of defense minister of India, family of Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, and trained the 'yoga teacher of Barack Hussein Obama'. Sunil is inventer of ABS Systems and founder of our company.
Our teachers
Because of helpful nature, precise guidance (deep knowledge & clear vision) which makes sure that his students will always excell like never before, Naveen Sir has been awarded title 'SIR' repeatedly by various groups, organisations and individuals including Indian Yoga Academy

M. Ozornaya
ABS Yoga C
Nikulinskaya Ulitsa, 21, Moscow, 119602
Opening Dec 2021

M. Ramenki
ABS Yoga A
Opening June 2022
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