Project Reviving Yoga

Ghatasth Yoga

Bodily Yoga (Ghatasth Yoga) is based on teaching of greatest yogis (SIDDHAs) & a Sanskrit scripture written at least 5000 BC (before birth of Jesus Christ, which he might have mastered)
First Sermon
श्रादिश्वराय प्राणमामि तस्मै येनोपादिष्टा हठयोगविद्या। विराजते प्रोनत्राजयोगमा रोधुमिच्छोरधि रोहिणिव ॥

I BOW IN REVERENCE ADI-ISVARA (Formost Creator + Protector + Destroyer = Formost God = Lord Shiva) who revealed the Science of Hatha-yoga. It stands out as a ladder for those who aspire to reach the sublime heights of Raja-yoga.

घटस्थयोगकथनम् ।
एकदा चण्डकापालिर्गत्वा घेरण्डकुट्टिरम्।
प्रणम्य विनयाद् भक्त्या घेरण्डं परिप्रच्छति ॥ 1 ॥
  1. Once Canda-kapali went to Gheranda's hermitage, saluted him with reverence and devotion and asked of him :
श्री चण्डकापालिरुवाच :
घटस्थयोगं योगेश तत्त्वज्ञानस्य कारणम्।
इदानीं श्रोतुमिच्छामि योगेश्वर वद प्रभो ॥2॥
Sri Chanda-kapali spoke:
O Greatest among the yogins! O Master of Yoga! O Lord! I wish to listen now on the Yoga of the Body which leads to the knowledge of Elemental Truth (Tattva-jñāna). ॥2॥
घेरण्ड उवाच:
साधु साधु महाबाहो यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि।
कथायामि हि ते वत्स सावधानोऽवधारय ॥ 3 ॥

नास्ति मायासमः पाशो नास्ति योगात्परं बलम्।
नास्ति ज्ञानात्परो बन्धुर्नाहंकारात्परो रिपुः ॥ 4 ॥

अभ्यासात्कादिवर्णानां यथा शास्त्राणि बोधयेत्।
तथा योगं समासाद्य तत्त्वज्ञानं च लभ्यते ॥ 5 ॥

सुकृतैर्दुष्कृतैः कार्यैर्जायते प्राणिनां घटः।
घटदुत्पाद्यते कर्म घटीयंन्त्रं यथा भ्रमेत् ॥ 6 ॥

ऊर्ध्वधो भ्रमते यद्वद्धटीयन्त्रं गवां वशात्।
तद्वत्कर्मवशाज्जीवो भ्रमते जन्ममृत्युभिः ॥ 7॥

आमकुम्भ इवाम्भःस्थो जीर्यमानः सदा घटः।
योगानलेन संदह्य घटशुद्धिं समाचरेत् ॥ 8 ॥
Gheranda replied:
3. Well asked, indeed, O mighty armed! I shall instruct you on what you ask. Attend to it with diligence.

4. There are no shackles like those of Illusion (Maya), no power like that of Yoga, no better friend than Wisdom (Jñana) and no greater enemy than Egoism (Ahamkara).

5. As by learning the alphabet one can study all the sciences, so by thoroughly mastering this Yoga, one attains to Wis- dom (Tattva-jñāna).

6. The bodies of all living beings are the result of good and bad deeds; the bodies give rise to actions (Karma) which lead to rebirth; the process continues like a rotating mill.

7. As the buckets in a rotating mill go up and down moved by
the bullocks, now full, now empty of water, so the soul
passes through life and death moved by its actions.

8. Like unto an unbaked earthen pot placed in water, the body soon decays (in this world). Bake it hard in the fire of Yoga in order to strengthen and purify it.

9. This Yoga is sevenfold: Purification, Strengthening.
Steadying. Calming, Lightness, Perception and Isolation
अथ सप्तसाधनम्
Now seven instruments
शोधनं दृढता चैव स्थैर्यं धैर्यं च लाघवम् ।
प्रत्यक्षं च निर्लिप्तं च घटस्य सप्तसाधनम् ।। 9 ।।
Purification (Shuddhi), firmness, stability, patience and lightness. And 'direct perception' and nonindulgent are the Ghatasth / bodilly's seven instruments. ।। 9 ।।
अथ सप्तसाधनलक्षणम् ।
Now the Aims / symptoms / characteristics of the seven seven instruments (Sadhan)
षट्कर्मणा शोधनं च आसनेन भवेद् द्रढम्वृ
मुद्रया स्थिरता चैव प्रत्याहारेण धीरता ॥10॥
Suddhi (Purification + Cleansing + Holyfication) by Şatkarma (six actions / six group of procedures) and Firmness (Drdhata) happens by Asanas / postures.
Stability by Mudras and by Pratyāhāra patience / intelligence. ।। 10 ।।
प्राणायामात्लाघवं च ध्यानात्प्रत्यक्षमात्मनः
समाधिना निर्लिप्तंमुक्तिरेव न संशयः ॥ 11 ॥
Lightness (Laghvam) by Pranayama (science breathing miracles) and self-realisation by Dhyan (meditation).
by Samadhi nonindulgent (Nirliptată) and Liberation without any doubt.
अथ शोधनम् ।
Now Suddhi (Purification + Cleansing + Holyfication)
धौतिर्वस्तिस्तथा नेतिलौलिकी त्राटकं तथा । कपालभातिश्चैतानि षट्कर्माणि समाचरेत् ॥ 12 ॥
(1) Dhauti, (2) Vasti, (3) Neti, (4) Lauliki, (5) Trátak and (6) Kapalabhati are the Śatkarma / six procedures for purification + Cleaning + Holification, make them part of regular/even behaviour.
अथ धौतिः ।
Now Dhauti
अन्तर्धौतिर्दन्तधौतिर्ह्रद्धौतिमूलशोधनम् ।
धौतिं चतुर्विधां कृत्वा घटं कुर्वन्तु निर्मलम् ॥ 13 ॥
(1) Antar-dhauti (internal Dhauti), (2) Dantadhauti (teeth Dhauti). (3) Hrd-dhauti (heart Dhauti) and (4) Mülaśodhana (Shuddi of Root/Base). ॥ 13 ॥
अथ अन्तर्धौतिः ।
Now Internal Dhauti.
वातसारं वारिसारं वह्निसारं बहिष्कृतम् ।
घटस्य निर्मलार्थाय ह्यन्तधौं तिश्रतुविधा ॥14॥
For Suddhi (Purifying + Cleansing + Holyfing) of bodies (Physical, Energetical, Desire) listen the three methods through air (Vaatsar), through water (Vaarisar), though fire (Vhainsar) and external means. ॥ 14 ॥
अथ वातसारः ।
Now through Air
Plans and vectors: The whole project includes active use of the landscape. Main preferences: recycled lumber & sustainably harvested lumber, solar chimney, mobile sunscreens, recycled tile, drought-tolerant landscaping.
Designer: Jeremy Levine Design
Contractor: Francisco Lopez Construction
Structural Engineer: Micheal Ciortea
phone: +7-968-115-0001

Moscow, RUSSIA | Delhi, INDIA

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